Ferric (II) sulfate– contains 0,962 g ferric.
Diluted hydrochloric acid – 1,95 g
Ascorbic acid-0,52 g
Syrup of juice of the Aloe – to 130,0 g;
(1 ml of a syrup contains 9,62 mg of iron).
The aloe contains a complex of biologically active substances: derivative anthracene (an aloe-emodin, aloin, aloinozide), bitter glycoside, vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, polysaccharide.
Ferric (II) sulphate:
· Iron is a structural element of hema;
· It is necessary for haemoglobin synthesis;
· Is a part of myoglobin and some enzymes;
· It is deposited in organism.
Ascorbic acid:
· Causes restoration of trivalent iron in bivalent ionic iron;
· Improves absorption of iron from food;
· Regulates passableness of capillaries;
· Provides collagen and procollagen synthesis;
· Plays a considerable role in the course of oxidation – restoration;
Syrup of Aloe juice:
· Has bactericidal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory action;
· Contains biogenetic stimulators;
· Strengthens organism resist ability towards infectious diseases;
· Strengthens reclaiming processes of skin and mucous membrane;
Hydrochloric acid:
· Improves absorption of iron from a gastrointestinal path.
· Gipohromnye anaemia (iron deficiency) of a different aetiology.
· Raised requirement for iron (pre – and pubertal age, the period of lactations).
· Alimentary deficiency of iron and vitamins.
· Anemia of other aetiology.
· Hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis.
· Crone disease, chronic pancreatitis.
· Diffuse glomerulonephritis.
· Pregnancy.
· Diabetes.
Anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, tachycardia, rash on the skin. It is necessary to supervise arterial pressure.
In case of occurrence such side-effects which are not mentioned in application instruction, consult with the doctor or pharmacist.
For adult and children above 14 year: 1-2 teaspoon of syrup diluted in 50ml water 3-times a day after taking a meal.
To children till 3 years: the dose of treatment is defined individually taking into account weight of a body.
,,Aloferi ” Syrup daily dose according to the weight of the child:

Weight of the child, in kg. 3-4kg5-6kg7-8kg 9-10kg11-12kg13-14kg15-16kg
Daily dose in ml0,5-0,6 ml0,7-0,9 ml1,0-1,2 ml1,3-1,7 ml1,8-2,0 ml2,1-2,2 ml2,3-2,5 ml
Daily dose in drops15-18 drops 21-27 drops30-36 drops 39-51 drops 54-60 drops 63-66 drops69-75 drops

Syrup doses are shared into 2-3 reception
For children 3-6 year: l/2 teaspoon of syrup diluted in 30ml water, 2-3 times a day after meal.
For children 6-14 year: 1 teaspoon of syrup mixed in 30ml water, 2-3 times a day after meal.
Duration of treatment course 8 – 12 weeks.
Before use, shake the bottle well!
After taking the preparation drinking 200ml of water is recommended.
DOSAGE OMISSION: In case of dosage omission is not permitted taking double dose. Next dose should be taken according to the previous schedule.
PREGNANCY AND LACTATION PERIOD: During the pregnancy and lactation period the preparation is prescribed when iron deficiency is ascertained in organism.
INTERACTION WITH OTHER MEDICAL PREPARATIONS: While taking the preparation with thiazides, liqourices’s preparations and corticosteroids the risk of potassium deficiency occurrence is increased. Because of the fact, that iron absorbtion process is slowed, administration of the preparation is not recommended with antibiotics, penicillamine, antacids.
INFLUENCE ON ABILITY OF MANAGEMENT OF MOTOR TRANSPORT AND MECHANISMS: The preparation does not influence on ability of driving and work with techniques.
SPECIAL INDICATION: After taking the preparation drinking 200ml of water is recommended.
CAUTION: Long-term usage of the preparation may cause potassium deficit in organism and enhance action of cardiac glycosides, anti antiarrhythmic drugs.
OVERDOSAGE: Simptoms of overdosage are: weakness, fatigue, paresthesia, colorless, low preasure, pain in epigastrium, dizziness, diarrhea with blood admixture, vomiting, cianosis.
Treatment: gastric lavage, taking milk, raw egg. For specific treatment deferoxsamine is prescribed preoprally and parenterally. For acute poisoning, when iron is not still absorbed, 5-10 g deferoxsamine is prescribed (10-20 ampoule is diluted in water). For absorbed iron deferoxsamine is prescribes parenterally. For Children – 15 mg/hour, adult -5 mg/hour (till 80 mg/kg in a day). For light poisoning – for children 1g in 4-6 hour, for adult 50mg/kg (till 4-g in a day).
PACKAGE: Primary package: 130 g syrup in orange glass or polyethylene bottle. Secondary package: The bottle is placed in a cardboard box with instructions.
SHELF-LIFE: 2 years.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: store at 18-25°C temperature in a protected from light place.
After expiry of validity date usage of the preparation is forbidden.
ISSUE: III group of a pharmaceutical product – issued without prescription.

12th km, D. Agmashenebeli alley, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel/Fax: +995 (032) 259-57-90; 259-64-46.